about this
style guide
this is a guide for how i should maintain this website. this is not a recommendation of how you should write your own website but i would enjoy if you did. this might explain a few design decisions i have made.this is also not something i'll follow all the time, this should be treated as general guidelines i should follow.
depending on how old the content is, the better the chance of not following this styling guide.
website layout
index page should contain a link to all pages for easier navigation.404 page should have a link to the index page so broken redirects are less of an issue.
contact information / social medias should be at index page.
changes should be stated at changelog page. changes should have dates marked on them.
blog-like posts should have dates.
use correct grammar where it matters the most. slangs and similar are allowed.discourage huge paragraphs, they are hard to read if you don't keep a pointer to it. use line breaks as often as possible.
use styles for expressing ideas more easily. this also makes reading more enjoyable, since the visual flows together with the text. here are some examples:
- bold to emphasize a phrase or refer to a song
- italics to refer to the term in italics itself
strike thoughto denote old/edited content. - highlight to really emphasize what you are talking about.
- lowshadow for additional information a single phrase wouldn't be able to express, or a minor thought which doesn't need greater explanation.
- subscript lowshadow for minor thoughts about a lowshadow. use sparingly.
to quote a phrase. - album highlight to refer to a collection of songs, albums, eps, etc.
- a to link to stuff, be sure to write what the link is about.
- a class=site-link to refer to pages of this website.
to fix a grave mistake at a later date, use dd|mm|yyyy postfix to write an errata about something, but preserve the original error. date of change should also be included.
to mark something changed, use
if something needs to be completely removed, use dd|mm|yyyy redacted to mark that part of a content is gone. you should also write date and reason of it.
use lowercase as often as possible, use capitalization or uppercase where confusion, legal trouble, or any other big issue would arise.
lowercase is a way of communicating a neutral tone through text, so it forces clever usage of text to communicate an idea better. and if no way of correctly communicating intention is found, then it should be clearly stated
resources (images, audio, gifs, videos, etc.)
by default neocities bans most file formats, so no videos, no audios, etc.do not link resources to outside content, like an <img> which has src pointing to another server, this slows down site loading since you are forcing the user to make two get requests, one for the website and other for the image.
it is also not guaranteed other servers will keep the image alive as long as the website, so dead content would be a problem eventually.
prefer adding resources to the website.
a single resource should be under or equal to 10mb. this means there is a maximum limit of about 100 resources 1gb is the storage limit, 100 resources * 10mb = 1gb and all resources together could be loaded 200x per month or 6x per day as of writing this, the website is about 1.2mb in size, so the site can be fully loaded 166666x per month or 5555x per day
no javascript.do not use it to make important features (like site-wide content or side bars) as the user might have issues with javascript or simply preferring not to use javascript at all.
do not use javascript for cosmetics, use css instead.
prefer using an alternative outside the website instead of implementing it here (use email/discord instead of chatboxes)
not using javascript also decreases the amount of code is needed to maintain to keep the website active.
user interface
use monospaced fonts as much as possible, this facilitates reading and also has the bonus of being easy to align words.the background should always be darker than text, for easier reading and has a dark mode bonus.
text should not be pure white, cyan, magenta or yellow. these colors have too much light on them, which makes reading uncomfortable and possibly hurtful.
prefer darker and desaturated colors for text and images.
prioritize desktop computers for interface, mobile should be secondary, since it is much easier to port desktop interfaces to mobile than the opposite.
malformed text:Example Blogpost
this is an example text, which means this is a text made for an example. i'm almost sure this is not supposed to be read in its entirety, since it does not contain any interesting information (aka lack of good stuff, which i think it is very reasonable to assume, given the current circumstances). an example is a way to show how something should look, without giving an exact answer to how the final product should be. this is great for places where precision is not strictly necessary, like in this text. now i'm going to link to the plece where this example should reside: about_this. thi is something written correctly. this wont be fix ed at a later date. this is something which isn't true or that will be proven wrong at a later date. sonic inflation.applying the website layout rules:
Example Blogpost [30/02/0224] - example blogpost
this is an example text, which means this is a text made for an example. i'm almost sure this is not supposed to be read in its entirety, since it does not contain any interesting information (aka lack of good stuff, which i think it is very reasonable to assume, given the current circumstances). an example is a way to show how something should look, without giving an exact answer to how the final product should be. this is great for places where precision is not strictly necessary, like in this text. now i'm going to link to the plece where this example should reside: about_this. thi is something written correctly. this wont be fix ed at a later date. this is something which isn't true or that will be proven wrong at a later date. sonic inflation.
applying the writing rules:
Example Blogpost
[30/02/0224] - example blogpost
this is an example text, which means this is a text made for an example.
i'm almost sure this is not supposed to be read in its entirety, since it does not contain any interesting information
now i'm going to link to the
this wont be fix ed at a later date. this is something which isn't true or that will be proven wrong at a later date. sonic inflation.
skipping resource rules, since there is no resource.
skipping javascript rules, since there is no javascript.
skipping user interface, since no changes where made.
now assume the text is finally published, but some mistakes passed through. applying the fixes after writing:
Example Blogpost [30/02/0224] - example blogpost
this is an example text, which means this is a text made for an example.
i'm almost sure this is not supposed to be read in its entirety, since it does not contain any interesting information
now i'm going to link to the
this wont be fix ed at a later date.
here is the revised text:
[30/02/0224] - example blogpost
this is an example text, which means this is a text made for an example.i'm almost sure this is not supposed to be read in its entirety, since it does not contain any interesting information aka lack of good stuff, which i think it is very reasonable to assume, given the current circumstances .
an example is a way to show how something should look, without giving an exact answer to how the final product should be. this is great for places where precision is not strictly necessary, like in this text.
now i'm going to link to the place where this example should reside: about_this.
this is something written correctly.
this wont be fix ed at a later date.
i think most people would go to twitter or similar when they want to gather/interact more with their audience. i don't think it is something inherently bad, nor i believe it is a bad decision, actually that is the meta for current internet: spend all your time posting and replying to people so that you possibly receive some recognitioni can't function like this
i hate ok hate is a strong word but i really do not enjoy unnecessarily talking to people. specially in real time. i take a loooooong time to think on responses. i don't know why but this is not relevant. modern internet maybe even modern society but i dont interact to people enough to know that forces you to take decisions asap, and sometimes punishes people who doesn't follow the current trend
for an artist this is horrible. art takes time and planning, and does not necessarily follows current cultural movements. art is usually a reflection of the artist. and the artist being a human, even if the artist attempts to follow the trends, they will fail in some way or another. either their art is incomplete, hollow and meaninglessjust check the current situation with short-form content: there is almost no innovation. not until their algorithms change or it is simply irrelevant, either because so many people are chasing the trend and pushing their worthless shit to the top that every new idea is already explored or, when the artist finally has made their unique idea, the trend is already over and they get no recognition.
but this is only half of the problem. the other half is how the content is chosen for the user
artificially curated content rewards repetition, since it assumes that because you liked x, you will like something similar to x, without considering what made x so good in the first place. this combined with a lack of autonomy from the user (since most of what the user consumes is what it is presented to them via the same curator) creates a system where being unoriginal is rewarding
having this neocities page allows me to interact in a way that i don't need to care about trends or pleasing some digital selection device i have no control over. this page allows me to calmly collect my thoughts and explain them using a variety of tools.
tldr: i dont like reddit upvotes so i use neocities instead