[21/02/2025] - small fix
- fixed info on likes, i thought aseprite was on the mit license
[19/01/2025] - january update
[8/11/2024] - pew nage
- added page: gamedev
- fixed some broken links
- marked some tasks as completed in todo
- fixed more grammar mistakes i'm more stupid than i thought
[12/08/2024] - major update
- new website theme. i hope you enjoy red and purple and pink and other stuff
- fixed sum grammer mistakes
- changed index page so it looks more like a catalog
- removed the bar at the top
added new pages: about_me
- moved old index to myself
[30/03/2024] - new page
- new post at index
- added new page: myself where the old index page is at
- fixed typo in one of the headers
- added buttons at the end of index
- added icon
- font changed. goodbye consolas you are still really nice to me
[06/12/2023] - new pages!
- new message at index
- added the little page bar at the top
added new pages: changelog
playlists, all of them have content. go check them out!
- moved old index page to music
- added a button for the 404 page and for the index page